Sunday, July 13, 2008

From a cottage to sleeping on a random property

Due to a lack of cell phone reception, you will get this on a delay.


You may remember that the road coming into Mike's cottage was absolutely miserable. It was a bad road with ridiculously steep inclines, and we didn't really feel like backtracking along it for 20km to get on our way. Thankfully, Bob and Polly were able to get a trailer to haul the bikes and gear out to the junction where we came in. Except for Mike's brother Jeff, who's gone for the weekend, the whole McDonald family was there to see us off as we left Kennisis Lake this morning. We had a great stay with them, and their hospitality was much appreciated.

There wasn't much sun, but it was really humid all day, and for the most part we had the wind in our face along the hilly terrain. Once we were past Bancroft, we were on the lookout for a campground, but nothing was coming up on Google or the GPS, and we weren't passing anything along the highway. It was going to come down to either a really long day, or finding another random place to stay. We saw a property that was perfect: nice lawn, a picnic table, even a pond where we might have been able to have a swim. Pat and I went up to knock on the door, but unfortunately nobody was around but the dog, so we had to keep going.

Luckily, only a little ways down, we found what appeared to be an abandoned, for-sale farm warehouse property. We figured it was our best bet, so we set up the tents, and ate dinner on a picnic table that we found lying around. We were a bit worried when the owners came up to us on an ATV, but they did not seem the least bit concerned that we were there. It even turned out that they owned the property whose door we had tried earlier! Bad timing for us.

The bugs here are absolutely brutal, so we have retreated to the tents early. Tomorrow we'll continue on our way East as we head towards Montreal over the next few days.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


Anonymous said...

only two more sleeps.........

Anonymous said...
