Monday, June 30, 2008

Rounding the corner to Whitefish Falls

Once again, due to a lack of cell reception in our area, you will get this on a delay.


We were pretty surprised that the front desk staff allowed us to set up our tents on the hospital lawns, but we didn't argue when we got the green light. The situation this morning was a little more awkward, as there was a new rotation on, and they had no idea who we were.

Once we had eaten and packed up, we took turns going to the bathroom inside, avoiding eye contact with the people hanging around the front desk as we went by. Four of us got away without any confrontation, but Brian wasn't so lucky. When he went in, one of the women gave him the fifth degree, first asking him if he needed medical attention, then telling him that it wasn't a rest area, and that he should leave. He tried to explain what we were doing, and was finally able to reassure her that we'd been given permission. After that, everyone was friendly, and they came out to talk to us before we left. Apparently there was also a bear living nearby to where we set up camp...good thing we didn't pick the wrong spot!

We had a good wind behind us along highway 17, and moved well 100km to Espanola. We turned South onto highway 6 at this point, and the pace slowed quite considerable. We stopped for an Iced Cap break at Tim Horton's before continuing past the city, where it got a lot hillier, and we only went another 20km to Whitefish Falls.

We were hoping to make it to Manitoulin Island today, but we'll have to do so tomorrow as we head to the ferry which will take us across to Tobermory.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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